About Us

Northern Vault

Welcome to The Vault, where the past meets the present with a bit of Northern charm. From a desire to breathe new life into classic styles, The Northern Vault has grown from humble beginnings to become a treasure trove of carefully curated pieces. With roots in both Yorkshire and Manchester, we're a brand that embraces the spirit of two vibrant places, infusing our collection with a unique blend of character and nostalgia.

From Pocket Money to Passion

What started as a simple quest to earn a little pocket money by reselling a handful of new and used Supreme pieces, has evolved into a full-fledged vintage fashion venture. Our journey began with getting lucky finding a few timeless pieces while rummaging through piles at car boots or in charity shops, but our enthusiasm for uncovering hidden treasures soon became something that could be much bigger. As our collection grew, so did our commitment to sharing the allure of vintage fashion with others who appreciate the stories woven into each garment.

Our Promise to You

Every piece that finds a place in our collection is thoroughly checked, cleaned and authenticated. We understand the value of authenticity and transparency, so you can trust that each garment we offer is carefully inspected to meet our high standards – and if something has flaws or any other issue, you, as the customer, will be fully aware of everything. From the stitching to the fabric, we ensure that the pieces you choose from us are not just fashionable but also durable companions for your personal journey.

Join Us on the Journey

Whether you're a devoted vintage aficionado or just want a couple cool retro pieces, we invite you to explore what we’ve got for you and become a part of our story. Our love for the past, coupled with our enthusiasm for the present, drives us to continue unearthing styles that resonate across generations. Have a gander at any of our online platforms or come and see us at a pop-up shop near you.
The thing about us, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll just keep getting better.
Founder, Northern Vault